Local Dealership and Mechanic in Buffalo NY

Client Case Study: Car Dealership

Norm Blatner Client Case Study

Local dealership and mechanic that sells to Buffalo and Canada.

Blatner & Mineo serves many car dealerships and auto-related businesses in Buffalo.

One long-time client is a family owned and operated business.  Their dealership sells nationwide and to Canada, and they have a team of certified mechanics.

This client was referred to Blatner & Mineo and has been working with Norm for over 20 years.

With large transactions and financing, it’s important to properly account for the assets and liabilities of the business.  Financing may span over multiple months and include interest. The business owners need to know when payments are expected, and from where.

With sales to Canada, international transactions need to be tracked and managed for their different tax implications.

Blatner & Mineo visits the dealership’s offices on a monthly basis to process their bookkeeping.  An accountant reviews the month’s transactions and generates financial reports for the business owners.  We’re also able to provide financial and tax advice.

Our firm processes their year-end tax preparation and filings.  Since we are familiar with the dealership’s business on a monthly basis, we’re able to efficiently prepare their year end tax filings, saving time and saving the need to retrieve past financial documents.


Want to talk to one of our accountants?   Contact us here today  or call (716) 823-4407